Be watchful when purchasing a Hotel management Software from reseller.

Selecting hotel management software is not an easy task.  Most of the hotels does not have it is owned IT department or specialist   therefore hoteliers are getting into trouble.  They get to know about the Software from their consultant, friends in the same sector to sales guy who visit them.  Some consultants choose the software based on commission they receive from software vendor.  Some general managers, purchasing managers do the same.  Sales guy always try to convince they have the best software.

Property owners, consultants, general managers or purchasing officers does not know origin of the software whether it is locally developed software or a foreign product sells by a reseller.

There are many software products available in the internet also it is easy get a members ship and resell the product.  All product vendors has got very good website.  It is again difficult to find whether these vendors also sell someone else product.   

These products are comparatively cheap therefore hotel owners jump for low price product.  They do not consider about the other factors like support team, how fast they can get support, how customization work, security of data and confidentiality of data

There number of cases reported past few months that hotel owner can not access to the software even after paying  full payment, because reseller has taken money and vanished without paying monthly subscription to original vendor.

Some resellers change the software time to time by taking different membership  from different vendors but that is also will work longer period.

Therefore it is always recommended to purchase software from local software vendor and safe guard your money and Data.


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